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Important Update

Hello, thank you for visiting our website. We are excited to announce that we are becoming the newly formed Southwest Comprehensive Center (Region 9). In addition to serving Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, we will also be serving Oklahoma and New Mexico. The current content of this website reflects resources from the 2019-2024 Region 14 Comprehensive Center, managed by Westat under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The new 2024-2029 Region 14 Comprehensive Center serves the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE).

Stay tuned for a Southwestern makeover as we transition to the Southwest Comprehensive Center (Region 9).

Building Capacity with Digital Solutions: Texas School Mental Health Resource Database

In today's digital era, where technology is transforming education, seamless and user-centric experiences are essential. At R14CC, we value collaboration, ensuring that every step of your journey with us is a shared endeavor.

Our mission is to support state education agencies (SEAs) with customized solutions, cultivating a sustainable digital environment that benefits them in the long run. Guided by our collaboration with SEA clients, the R14CC UX Design Roadmap embodies our commitment to co-creation and capacity building, tailored to address the specific needs of each client.

Explore how R14CC utilized the UX Design Roadmap to support technical assistance, leading to the creation of the innovative Texas School Mental Health Resource Database. Be part of shaping the future of education technology with us.