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Buy-in from Collaborators

Charting the Course:
Navigating from Current State to Ideal State

In any project, one individual's influence can significantly steer its progress. Securing buy-in from collaborators ensures there are more project champions and fewer roadblocks. As you work through this condition, you might realize several key participants are not currently involved in the potential project. That's okay! Even with only 50 percent participation, it's not a roadblock but an opportunity to strategize.

Use your assessment of buy-in from collaborators to guide your action steps. For example:

  • If only 50 percent of relevant parties are committed, what can you do to engage the other 50 percent? Is it a matter of informing them?
  • Does the project need to be adjusted to gain their support? When facing an unengaged collaborator, explore ways to address their concerns.

You can also use this as a checkpoint during implementation.

  • Are the interested parties still committed to the project goals?
  • Has the situation changed regarding adjustments in the project plan to address evolving collaborator needs and priorities?

Building Your Case:
Gathering Evidence for Your Current Position

The first step is to list every interested party. Knowing who has a vested interest in the project's success is important.

  • Who are the interested parties?
  • Who will benefit from the project?
  • Who may not benefit directly but will still be involved in implementation?
  • Are there policymakers or organization leaders who are interested in the outcomes this project might yield?

Once you have a list of interested parties, assess their knowledge level and commitment to the potential project.

  • Who are your biggest champions?
  • Where can you find documentation for this buy-in?

Documentation examples:

  • Meeting notes
  • Emails
  • Written agreements such as memorandums of understanding (MOUs)
  • Survey results
  • Stakeholder analyses
  • Asset maps

Once you've gathered and assessed the evidence, use the following scale to identify your current position. Remember that this rating is a benchmark, not a fixed position. If you find yourself at the Emerging stage, don't worry. You now have a clearer understanding of the steps needed to progress toward the advanced stage.

State of the Project

  • Emerging

    No evidence of collaborator buy-in documented

  • Developing

    50% of collaborator buy-in documented

  • Advancing

    75% of collaborator buy-in documented

  • Mastery

    100% of collaborator buy-in documented

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Tap into the full potential of the PSF self-assessment to evaluate your project's standing in each element. Gain valuable insights on the necessary steps to propel your project even closer to achieving successful outcomes.

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