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Article: Summer Internship 2024: Special Edition R14CC Quick Chats

R14CC Quick Chats: Bits-Sized Insights

This special edition of R14CC Quick Chats shines a spotlight on summer internships within the Region 14 Comprehensive Center (R14CC). At R14CC, we are committed to creating internships that are mutually beneficial, providing both the Center and our interns with valuable experiences and insights. See what this year's mentors, Sally Hall and Sherelle Foust, and their mentees, Ben Milhaupt and Adam Johnston, have to say about this experience over summer 2024.

First, we hear from mentors Sherelle Foust, Effective Instruction Lead, and Sally Hall, Project Manager, on their experiences welcoming interns and prepping them for a summer of exploration and success. 


What does R14CC do to ensure internships are mutually beneficial to the Center and to interns?

We start with a set of onboarding modules for interns to review during their first week, covering R14CC's structure, essential resources, and team roles. Interns have individual sessions with lead team members to learn about specific projects and ask questions about internal processes. We meet with interns daily during the first week, and each intern is paired with an R14CC buddy! This structured support system ensures that interns are well-integrated and can contribute meaningfully while gaining valuable experience.

Two mentors, Sherelle and Sally, with two interns, Adam and Ben.

Sherelle Foust, Sally Hall, Adam Johnston, and Ben Milhaupt at Westat's Rockville campus during Intern Day 2024.

How are intern projects chosen and what supports are available to them while they develop their projects? 

Intern projects are tailored to our interns' experience and interests. Mentors and interns explore ways to leverage their experience and the resources available to them to address ongoing Center interests. 

Interns receive regular check-ins with mentors to ensure a consistent feedback cycle. This includes verbal feedback during meetings and written recommendations on their work products and processes. To showcase their achievements, interns present their final projects at various forums, including R14CC leadership meetings, Education Studies Practice Lunch and Learns, and the HR intern cohort presentation session. We ensure interns receive constructive feedback while also having many opportunities to highlight their accomplishments and contributions.

How can mentors create a safe space for interns to learn, grow, and become a part of the R14CC team?

At R14CC, creating a supportive environment for all team members is a priority. Alongside regular meetings, we organize "Lunch with Interns" over the summer, and interns are encouraged to join our daily virtual break room discussions and after-hour activities like Paint Night. Additionally, we encourage attendance at in-person events, such as Westat's Rockville campus Intern Day/Summer Celebration, which includes campus tours, lunches, and informal meetings. 

Clear expectations are set from the start through job descriptions and onboarding discussions. We ensure that learning and exploring are integral parts of the internship experience, allowing interns the freedom to grow and innovate within a supportive framework. This approach is designed to help interns feel comfortable, supported, and valued as they navigate their professional development.

Two interns pose with education studies professionals against a blue wall

Left: Adam Johnston, Deborah Jonas, and Ben Milhaupt capture a moment at Westat's Rockville campus during Intern Day 2024. 

Right: A group shot featuring Sally Hall, Deborah Jonas, Adam Johnston, Ben Milhaupt, and Sherelle Foust, celebrating Intern Day 2024 at Westat's Rockville campus.

Imagine you're giving a TED Talk on mentorship. What's the core message you would want to share?

The internship experience should be a two-way street. At R14CC, our interns not only learn from our team but also gain crucial career experience and valuable networking opportunities while making meaningful contributions to our work. As mentors, it's essential to encourage freedom of thought and exploration while providing guidance to help interns bridge the gap between academia and the professional world. Key to this process are transparency, open communication, and a supportive environment, ensuring that both the R14CC and our interns benefit from the experience.


Now, let's hear from our summer 2024 interns, Adam Johnston, Policy and Technical Assistance Research, and Ben Milhaupt, Project Management.


What drew you to this internship with Westat and the Region 14 Comprehensive Center?

Ben Milhaupt was initially drawn to the internship by his desire to enhance his project management skills and find a new avenue to merge his passion for education with his career goals. His enthusiasm grew when he discovered R14CC’s commitment to a people-centered approach to capacity-building, a value that has resonated throughout his interactions with the Westat community.

Adam Johnston was captivated by the chance to dive into technical assistance in areas he found intriguing. The real spark, however, came during his interview with members of the R14CC team. He was struck by how knowledgeable and approachable everyone was—a sentiment that has only deepened since joining the team.

Screenshot of a zoom group holding their rendition of a painting at paint night

The R14CC team enjoying our second annual paint night with our interns. This year Adam and Ben chose a serene image of a pond with a bench.

In learning more about the Center's mission, projects, and team, has anything surprised you or stood out in a way you didn't expect?

Ben was pleasantly surprised by R14CC’s innovative use of enterprise technology for data aggregation and visualization. As someone new to education technical assistance, he found R14CC’s dedication to these complex projects a powerful testament to its mission of enhancing state partner capacity.

Adam was particularly inspired by the vibrant team culture at R14CC. Despite working remotely, he was impressed by how strong and cohesive the team’s culture is. He shared that the blend of exceptional leadership and genuinely kind colleagues has created a remarkable and supportive work environment.

What book has made the biggest impact on you?

Ben finds A Topeka School by Ben Lerner to be profoundly impactful. This blend of autobiography and fiction has provided him with deep insights into his own life and the world around him, helping him understand his place and the influences that shape his perspective.

Adam draws inspiration from several books. Late City by Robert Olen Butler, which reflects on the journey of growing up and aging, is his top novel. He also finds Education, Equity, and the States by Sara E. Dahill-Brown enlightening, as it adds nuance to his understanding of education policy-making.

Five professionals smile for a selfie

Adam and Ben, our dedicated interns, celebrate Intern Day at Westat's Rockville campus alongside their mentors, Sally Hall and Sherelle Foust. Laura Collins from Westat also joined in for an afternoon outing.

Is there a favorite app or software you brought to your internship, or discovered here, that's become a real go-to tool?

Ben has embraced Smartsheet as his go-to tool. Its ability to support narrative project storytelling and intuitive data visualization aligns perfectly with his preferences and has proven invaluable in his work.

Adam has discovered a new appreciation for Teams. While not new to him, he’s impressed by how R14CC utilizes it to build personal connections with a team that is spread out across the nation. The dedicated channel for personal updates and ideas has made him feel more integrated and connected with his colleagues.