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Article: R14CC Quick Chats with Sally Hall

R14CC Quick Chats: Bits-Sized Insights

Uncover the personalities behind Region 14 Comprehensive Center! Join us for bite-sized glimpses into our experts' lives—from their passions to professional insights. Meet the diverse minds shaping education in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, and see what fuels their drive for positive change.

Meet Sally Hall

Sally Hall, our esteemed Project Coordinator, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our team's endeavors. With a talent for simplifying intricate projects into manageable systems, Sally brings invaluable structure to our approach. Her dedication extends to managing the day-to-day operations of our largest projects and refining our project management systems.


Sally Hall smiles from the doorway at an R14CC Advisory Board meeting

Sally Hall smiling in the doorway at the 2023 advisory board meeting in Houston, Texas.

What book has made the biggest impact on you?

Untamed by Glennon Doyle - It’s all about finding your power as a woman, learning to love your own voice, and not be afraid to be loud with it. Glennon is able to put words to some of our most complicated human emotions; in voicing them, we’re able to better understand and explore them in healthy, empowering ways. It’s a must-read for anyone who enjoys digging deeper into the human experience! 

What is one app or tool you cannot live without in your work?

Definitely Smartsheet. It’s the tool that brings order to everyday work on Region 14, and I enjoy exploring finding new ways to use it to improve our processes and procedures. It helps us bring a great blend of project management, organization, and transparency to our everyday work. 

A computer screen with a Smartsheet dashboard displayed.

Leadership Dashboard on Smartsheet

The Leadership Team dashboard on Smartsheet hosts carefully curated data that represents over 20 technical assistance projects across three states. What can our team gain by having access to this well-designed data?

Making data visible is essential for keeping our team cohesive and motivated. With multiple projects happening at once, the dashboard serves as a centralized tool to ensure everyone has the information they need. Real-time updates on budgets and progress empower better decision-making and keep everyone on the same page across projects. Plus, it gives our portfolio managers a solid foundation for discussions with center leadership and project leads about project statuses. 

What are some key elements to consider around successful project documentation?

Consistency is key! Setting up clear business rules for project documentation upfront might seem like a hassle, but it saves time later on. Create a simple folder structure and stick to it. It’s important to decide on a file naming convention that can be followed across the project (or multiple projects) so that files are easy to search for and can be sorted or grouped easily. I always recommend starting the file name with the numerical date formatted as YEAR.MO.DY so that when you sort the files alphabetically, they’ll be in order from newest to oldest. At the end of the day, too much documentation is usually better than too little, as long as it’s well organized and easily understood. 

(Left) Sally Hall smiles with a coworker. (Right) Sally Hall volunteers

Left: Sally Hall smiling with co-worker Chelsea Sorensen. Right: Sally volunteering at the Central Texas Food Bank during one of R14CC's annual volunteer events.

What are your best tips for setting up an effective meeting?

A great meeting always blends structure with flexibility. It's crucial to put in the upfront effort to ensure smooth collaboration—like preparing a detailed agenda, sharing it in advance, and assigning someone to take notes. But it's also important to allow for spontaneous brainstorming and organic discussions, which often yield the best ideas. A confident facilitator plays a vital role by asking insightful questions and steering the conversation on track. Meanwhile, a quick-thinking notetaker ensures a productive follow-up by capturing essential points and questions raised during the meeting. 

Learn more about Sally's professional background and connect with her on LinkedIn!

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